You Better Check Yourself. Before You Wreck Yourself. (FRINGE IS BACK!)
Okay, so the quote is from an upcoming movie, which I normally don’t do. But eff it. Because it is Zach Galifianakis, whose last name is awesome, according to his grandfather, because it starts with a Gal, and ends with a kiss. I’ve had a fondness for this wacko since Out Cold. I’m glad his weirdness has gone mainstream. Now if only Bret and Jemaine would bring the Conchords back.
This post isn’t about Zach Galifianakis. And it’s barely about books. (There’ll be some bookie stuff at the bottom.) It’s about the return of Fox’s FRINGE tonight. Oh, I have gotten so into this show. The X-files shaped hole is almost healed. So in honor of the show’s return, I’m going a list of why FRINGE is kickass. We’ll call it the Fringe Fuckin Rocks My Socks list.
1. Joshua Jackson finally gets to do the only thing he’s good at, which is act like Pacey Witter, only this time he’s not bogged down by all that vapid, pseudo-introspective Dawson’s Creek whinaholic bullshit. (Wait, forgive me Joshua…you can also act like Charlie from the Mighty Ducks.)
2. Excellent cringeworthy weirdness, including hallucinatory butterflies with razor wings that will seriously cut you the eff up. And make you flail your way out a window. I thought things this wicked only showed up in articles.
3. Anna Torv gives us a heroine who isn’t overloaded with issues (despite any issues being completely justified), who is sensitive and human while still knowing how to beat down the badness with both mind and fists.
4. There is a cow in the lab named Jean. And they don’t experiment on her. Very often. They just milk her and pet her and stuff.
5. Alternate reality where zeppelins are still acceptable modes of transportation. No Hindenburg, no problem.
6. And finally, because it embraces the idea of possibility. Including the possibility that Walter will use the lab to whip up a batch of taffy just after using the same lab to do a really messy autopsy.
Okay, book stuff. Attended Lisa Desrochers’ reading for Personal Demons last night. Helen Landalf, author of the upcoming Broken Wings was also there. Lisa informed us that no one has yet burned a cross on her front yard, due to the blasphemy in Personal Demons. Which might just mean that Jon Stewart’s rally for moderates is working. Lisa is a cool chick and hardworking writer. She’ll be touring her butt off over the next years, so check her website for dates near you.
Also, I’ll be doing an interview with Toni Quest’s radio show to promote Sleepwalk Society on October 4th. Will post links before and after.
And I got bored and added Anna Dressed in Blood to the Goodreads site. Please do add it to your to-read list. But if you decide to bash it in a review before the book is even released, remember: You Better Check Yourself. Before You Wreck Yourself.

Are you a moron?,.
How the hell is Josh acting like Pacey on fringe? ARE YOU STILL OBSESSED WITH PACEY WITH STUPID ASSHOLE!
Re: Are you a moron?,.
Whoa, settle down, dude. I obviously like Joshua Jackson on Fringe. The point to number one on the list is only to make fun of Dawson’s Creek, an opportunity one should never pass up.
Wow. That cover is gorgeous! The book looks fantastic.
Jim Caviezel has been in a lot of bad movies. And I should know – I’ve seen pretty much all of them. Have you seen Long Weekend? Ugh. I wasted 90 minutes of my life watching that. Having said that, I actually quite enjoyed Outlander. It was so bad it was good. Plus, Jim’s always nice to look at. : )
My MCs always tend to be female, because I find it very hard to understand the male brain. But the novel I’m planning now has two MCs (one male, one female) so that should be interesting to write. I think cross-gender writing can be done and done well. I’m just not that good at it yet.
Hi Kendare! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I tried to find you on Twitter(i made on the other day) but it didn’t come up with you. Anyways, I don’t think guys get over-femenized in books. Well, at least they don’t seem to be, as they all seem completely normal to me. I have been contemplating myself whether or not to write from the viewpoint of a girl or a boy. my current WIP is a guy, but who knows if it will work. And ANNA DRESSED IN BLOOD looks completely freeking amazing! Just saying.
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