The ALL THESE BODIES Ordering and Events Guide
Hellooo long-neglected website. I have no excuse for the neglect, except for the excuse that we all have and that is pandemics SUCK and time? What is time? But, with ALL THESE BODIES, aka True Crime With A Vampire, set to release on September 21st (EEK!) I thought I should round up all the options and incentives for purchasing and attending events for folks who are so inclined.
FIRSTLY: There is a preorder gift for all preorders of a US edition. Does that include ebooks? Yes, that includes ebooks. Does that include audiobooks? Yes, that includes audiobooks. Does that include preorders from independent bookstores? YES ABSOLUTELY that includes indie bookstores. All you need is to have a US mailing address and submit your receipts by September 20th and you will get your very own Marie’s Blood Red Lipstick. For full rules and to submit your proof of preorder, GO HERE!
SECONDLY: I am doing virtual events with fabulous people. If you come to the events and you have a US mailing address, you will be eligible to win prizes! Prizes! At! Each! Event! What are those prizes? Join us virtually and find out! All RSVP links and event info can be found on the Events page. AND, if you are close enough to come to Ballast Book Co in Bremerton, Washington, you can meet Lish McBride and I and get your books signed before we go virtual to chat. There will be cake. It will be custom, and inspired by All These Bodies. There will also be cake pops inspired by Lish’s new book, CURSES.
THIRDLY: Speaking of Ballast Book Co., if you preorder through them, or through my other local indie Invitation Bookshop and add instructions that those copies be signed, I will stuff an exclusive sticker into your book. What does it look like? It looks like this:
To preorder at Ballast Book Co, go here! To preorder through Invitation Bookshop, go here! This is also a good time to mention that if you ever want to order a signed copy of ANY of my books, Invitation Bookshop is the way to go. Simply place your order, add special instructions that it be signed, they will let me know, and I will pop in and sign it. I will also personalize it and doodle the heck out of it, if you add that to the instructions 🙂
FOURTH…LY: Want to order a signed copy but you’d prefer to support another indie? Wonderful, and thank you for supporting All These Bodies, and supporting indie bookstores. Orders placed through Third Place Books Lake Forest Park will come with a signed bookplate. So will orders placed through Square Books/Square Books Jr. For a full listing of Indies with signed stock go here!
FIFTHLY! No, actually I think that’s it. Plus, Armpit McGee has decided to sit on my keyboard so even if I had more to tell you I’m afraid that’s just not happening. However, I do want to say thank you to everyone who has preordered, and everyone who wants to follow me down this odd, true crimey, vampirey road. It means a lot. And I happen to think it’s quite suited for fall, a.k.a. Reading About Murder Season 🙂 So thank you. I hope you enjoy it, when it arrives on your doorstep or you pull it off the shelf, all murdery and weird.