There’s Life in the Old Lady Yet! (Stuffed Dog Review of ‘Horns’. New Kundera!)
This is of course, what Lestat says when he’s dancing with Claudia’s mother’s corpse, in Interview with the Vampire. And really, what else would you say when dancing with a mom-corpse? Interview was the only movie that succeeded in making Tom Cruise devilishly attractive, and many other films have tried. (Yes, I’m talking to you, Days of Thunder.) There’s talk that Cruise is trying to get The Tale of the Body Thief made. Eh. I’d watch it.
Book Review announcement from the Stuffed Dog: The long promised review of Joe Hill’s Horns is up at the website. No word on what the dog will be reading next. I think it would be fun to get the dog to review Twilight, but alas, the dog refuses to read Twilight. I trust no one will ask why not. Read his review of Horns, as well as my short reflection here:
Puppy J’s Review of ‘Horns’
I already reviewed it in detail at Goodreads. Anyway, all the hubbub over the struggles of the brick and mortar Barnes and Nobles led me to go there this afternoon, and pull a copy of Milan Kundera’s new collection of essays, Encounter, off of the shelf. It’s been too long since Kundera’s last collection, The Curtain, and I can’t wait to dig into this incredible brain. I read Kundera voraciously, because he is a genius. His powerful musings on love and art, the function of the novel, just boggle my gourd. He’s got to be pushing ninety, and it’s a miracle he’s still producing material. Someday, too soon, he’ll be gone, and I’ll mourn for someone I’ve never met. Because the world behind him will be cloudier and much more stupid.

Congrats! And I love the title!
Cover Art
The cover looks amazing and eerie. The girl looks gorgeous. Can’t wait to read the book.
I would love that, that’s so nice! My email is:, just so you know who it’s from! Thank you!
August 7th seems SO very far away!
Re: girl of nightmares
Hey, sorry about the late reply. I try to type as little as possible when I’m on the road. I think Girl of Nightmares will release on ebook in the UK around June 2013. I think. Not quite sure yet.