The ongoing “Thanks for reading the Goddess War” UNGODLY giveaway!
Hi there. Welcome to the ongoing “Thanks for reading the Goddess War” UNGODLY giveaway. This giveaway exists to thank readers for their support of the Goddess War series. I was going to call it the “Finish your Goddess War Trilogy” giveaway, but I like this better. Now let me explain it.
I am out of books. Wow, I really thought this giveaway would be more “ongoing” than one day, but you guys have cleaned me out. I still have signed bookmarks and bookplates though, so feel free to keep posting photos! I’ll send until they’re gone!
What is up for grabs:

How to get one:
Take a photo of yourself with your copies of Antigoddess and Mortal Gods, or a friend if you’re shy, or your hand with a note if you’re really shy, and post it to social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Potato (there is no Potato, but there will be someday)) and tag me so I see it. I will then contact you for your address. Obi-Dog will demonstrate:

If you read them on your ereader but want to enter for a signed copy, take photos with their covers showing on your device.
That’s it. Easy. As a thank you for reading with me that far, I’ll give you the last book, until I run out of them.
If you’re worried I didn’t see your photo, or if you don’t use social media, feel free to send it to me at to make sure. I may or may not post it again to my own accounts, FYI.
If you are a library reader:
I don’t know! Take photos with your library books, and I will find some way to thank you, until I run out of stuff. I wish I had a better answer for this one. Libraries are excellent.
If you already bought the whole trilogy and are now cursing my name:
I’m sorry! I mean, thank you, so, so much. I really, really to infinity appreciate that. If you take a photo of yourself with your trilogy and tag me, I will send you personalized, signed bookplates, and an Antigoddess feather bookmark, until I run out of them.
If you are a reader outside of the United States:
I’m happy to send you signed bookplates for your trilogy, until I run out of international stamps. (If you take a photo and do the yada yada above.)
ARCs do not count, sorry. Also, if you already won one of your copies from me, it doesn’t count. Sorry. If you stole your copies, what the hell, man? And also, why did you tell me? But those don’t count either.
I should have called this the “Until I run out of stuff” giveaway. Geez. Anyway, I’ll try to pair hardcover sets with hardcovers, and paperback sets with paperbacks, but I make no guarantees. When I run out, I will tell you.

I was wondering if I could enter this if I won my books from a giveaway (not from you). I’m in Canada and would really love some book swag 😀
Hi Eileen! Yes, that’s fine. Enter away, I still have bookplates and bookmarks 🙂
Do you still have bookplates and bookmarks? Just saw this and would love some swag!
Thanks 🙂
Sure, I have a few! Just share your Antigoddess & Mortal Gods photo and tag me. I’ll contact shortly thereafter for your info.