Movies and Sequels and Crows. Oh my!
Any list of three things separated by “and”, has to have the phrase “Oh my!” behind it. Thanks a lot, Wizard of Oz.
I’ve been away from the blog awhile, so here’s the skinny:
The principal cast for the ANNA DRESSED IN BLOOD movie was announced, here’s the Deadline write-up. It’s Cameron Monaghan as Cas, and Maddie Hasson as Anna, and I could not be happier about those choices. They’ve got it all, those two, and I can’t wait to see what they will do with the roles. It was a particular thrill to get Cameron, as my best friend knows ZERO actors, but she knows him from Shameless, so she could actually be excited. Also, both of them are only 3-4 degrees from Kevin Bacon, which is always important. The director is Trish Sie, the screenwriter is Allison Wood, and when you put them together with Stephenie Meyer and Meghan Hibbett from Fickle Fish Films, you’ve got a lot of rad women in Hollywood.
I’ll say more about this movie business if and when the film swings into production. In my mind, it’s still a fragile baby egg, and I don’t want to jinx it by yacking about it too much. But feel free to tell me what you think of the casting!
Also happened: I finished Three Dark Crowns 2, which has a real title and everything! We’re already starting to talk about cover concepts for it, which seems unreal. This biz moves simultaneously slowly and at light speed. More cover related: the UK cover for Three D will be revealed soon!
Went to BEA and Bookcon. Next up: Geekycon in Florida. I’ll have Three Dark Crowns decals (bumper stickers?) to hand out. And I’m working with a bookstore on how to get signed, personalized preorders for those who have asked. A big, huge, crazy large thank you to everyone who has preordered already.
Crows! There are crows in our backyard. They have a nest up in a tree and we’re trying to feed them and earn their trust. So far we’ve managed to get them some worms, but I don’t think they knew the worms were from us. You can’t leave a “To, From” gift tag on a worm, you know? But I’m not giving up. I’m going to go buy some unsalted unshelled peanuts.

You’ve finished Three Dark Crowns 2!! I am bursting out of my seat in excitement, despite the date it comes out being a while away. I love the first book. In my mind, it is the perfect fantasy/horror mix: it doesn’t have too much gore, has strong female characters who develop and change, as well as an overall sense of eeriness.
I opened my book at random, and picked out the first sentence my eyes fell upon. It was…
“Whatever wind fails to escape the Volroy through its many upstairs windows falls down into the cells to rot.”
This is a simple sentence from a random page, and yet you have made it so crafted, so much richer.
No, it’s not just ‘the wind either escaped through the windows or died’ but instead it’s sinister and dark, and even the wind doesn’t simply ‘die down’ – it really dies downstairs in a cell (metaphorically).
And I don’t know how you do it, but you somehow manage to get across so many emotions, but even while we swoon at the romance (Pietyr!!) there is always the underlying sense of darkness.
In conclusion, I love your book and cannot wait for the second one.
Thank you so much, Elentari! You have wonderful timing…I’m just working on the latest round of edits for ONE DARK THRONE and this is quite motivating!
And I’m very glad you enjoy that particular sentence. I like it, too, well enough to keep it through two re-writes.
I am screaming with joy right now!! Thank you so much for replying to me, it really means so much. And I do love that one particular sentence, but it was only an example of how much I love the whole book!
I’m so glad that my post was motivating, it makes me so happy to think that I may have helped, even the tiniest bit.
Good luck on the edits, and I can’t wait for One Dark Throne!
Hello, I’ve just read the serie Anna dressed in Blood. I love it. I’d like to know if the movie still will release and when it will happened. I can’t wait to see that amazing storie in the movies.
Unfortunately there have been no updates about the Anna movie. It has not been shot, or re-cast, and right now there’s really nothing happening with it. Maybe someday! I’m so glad you enjoyed the series 🙂
When the movie comme out ?
is there a movie yet im so excited for it ive read the book so many times!
Unfortunately the movie with Cameron and Maddie fell apart. But who knows? Maybe someone will come along who will want to bring Anna and Cas to our screens. I certainly hope so 🙂