News Round-up, or, What a Crappy Blogger I Am.
I said I would update this blog monthly. Monthly! HA! I laugh in the face of monthly! Anyway, time and deadlines got away from me and all the big news I intended to post here was announced ages ago, so I’m just going to roll through everything I think I was supposed to mention. (I may have mentioned some already. But repeats? HA! I laugh in the face of repeats!)
How should we do this? Oldest to newest? Sure. Why not.
*In February (yes, February, for pete’s sake) THREE DARK CROWNS was optioned for film by Fox and Shawn Levy’s 21 Laps, which I could not be more thrilled about because STRANGER THINGS! and ARRIVAL! and WOO! and AAAHH! I have no more news about this yet, but have spoken to some of the producers/execs and they are awesome. I’m just going to stay out of their way, help where I can, and let them do their awesome thing. Nice write-up here at Deadline.
*FOUR BOOKS INSTEAD OF TWO! Thanks to you, the readers, I get to write more Fennbirn books. I love you readers. Books 3 & 4 will be direct sequels, but I didn’t stretch the series further than was intended, I promise. ONE DARK THRONE still ends where it always would have. Now I just get to tell the after. Did I mention I love you readers?
*PLUS NOVELLA! In December, an ebook novella titled THE YOUNG QUEENS will arrive for any of you who are curious about the sisters’ childhood, their birth and their separation. Available for pre-order anywhere ebooks are sold, and also behind the link 🙂
*SIGNED ONE DARK THRONE and SPECIAL EDITION! I’m signing my wrists away and using many different colored pens for the signed edition of One Dark Throne. And Barnes and Noble will stock a special edition featuring an extra chapter! There are many details about this (the hows and wheres and whatnots) so I’ll write up an actual post explaining better soon. Or in 2 months. You know how I am.
*STARRED REVIEW from KIRKUS for ONE DARK THRONE! I just about fell over reading this review. I think my favorite part was “…already pitch-black tale shades even darker, as the queens’ cruel contest piles up an escalating (and grisly) body count.” MUAHAHA…HA. Read the full review here.
And that’s it for now! More to come, like perhaps pre-order bonuses, tour dates, and dare I say more stories. I’ll try to be better at updates. For now, enjoy this fine photo of Dylan Captain Morganing through Hawaii.

I enjoyed reading the dark crowns, and I’m excited for the sequel. I’m slightly confused about on thing, is the island the girls inhabit like avalon, hidden from the regular world? You alluded to this but didn’t make it clear or elaborate about this aspect. Thanks for the good read, kelly
I’m so glad you liked it, Kelly! Yes, Fennbirn is like Avalon in that way, hidden in the mist. Reachable from any body of water.
Hi, I love the series and have a recommendation for the name of the third book. Because in the first and second books the names have numbers 1 and 3 in them, what if the third book there is the number 2? I was thinking Two Dark Queens, because now there are only two queens that could rule.
The third book has been named! You were right about the number two! And originally, I was thinking of Two Dark Queens (though I’m confused about the two queens who are the only ones who can still rule…do you mean Mirabella and Arsinoe, because they haven’t had a turn yet?) but we decided to go with TWO DARK REIGNS! The cover is out now too, and I will probably tack it into the blog post I’m about to write. Thank you for the suggestion! I hope you’re enjoying the series 🙂
I love Anna dressed in blood book and am so excited about the movie coming out. I was wondering if You had any new updates on when the movie will come out. Thank you so much for writing such amazing books.
Hi Chloe- there are no new updates on the Anna movie. It’s still with the producers at Fickle Fish Films, but it’s a long way from coming out as there’s no date for production to start. I’ll let you know if I ever know more. Keep your fingers crossed!
I love Three dark crowns and can’t wait for one dark throne, but the question is when is it going to be out, more importantly when is going to be in the library because it’s not like my mom will let me buy it “why buy it for money when you can read it for free.” Thanks I hope you can reply to me soon.
Many libraries have already ordered it, so it should be in their collections right around release! Check in with your favorite librarian! I’ve seen some libraries with hold lists already. If your library doesn’t stock it, they might if you request it. Or they might know how to get it for you on interlibrary loan. I’m so glad you enjoyed Three Dark Crowns!
I got Three Dark Crowns for Christmas and I instantly fell in love with it! Since reading it, you have become one of my favourite authors! I have pre-ordered One Dark Throne and I am super excited to read it 🙂
Thank you, Heather! And thank you very much for pre-ordering! If you live in the US, be sure to submit for pre-order swag (to be detailed in the blog post I’m about to write now.) I’m so glad you enjoyed Three Dark Crowns 🙂
Is Barnes and Noble the only place to get a signed copy of the book? I wish I had thought to look!
It’s not! There are signed copies lots of places, but my info is a bit sketchy on where. Barnes and Noble might be one of the easiest places to get one, and they also have the exclusive signed edition which features bonus material with Katharine and Pietyr. And if you pre-order in the US, be sure to submit for pre-order swag. I’m going to write a post now detailing all this stuff, so check back to the site!
Hello from Brazil!
I LOVED so much your last book, One Dark Throne… And i’m so excited for the next.
But, I read here that have a bonus material with Katharine and Pietyr. And i’m really sad, because i want to read, but I don’t live in USA. And here, the books don’t came with this part.
What i do now?
Hi Patricia!
Unfortunately I don’t know how you can get the Barnes and Noble exclusive bonus chapter without ordering from them. They have exclusive rights to it for at least a year, I believe. There was an extra Billy and Joseph story released for their B-festival which you can read here:
I LOVE the first two!! When can we expect the third?
I’m so glad you like them! Book three should be out Fall 2018. Likely in late September like the first two (assuming I can get it finished on time).